8 Session series

BrushFires Digital WorkShop

Join us to help you to discover who exactly God created you to be. This interactive, God inspired, and objective assessment powered program will lead you to who you are in The Body of Christ and what it is you were created to do.

The Digital WorkShop will reveal the unique compass that has been placed in the heart of every believer by God. This course will lead you through:
  • Identifying who you are as a child of God.
  • Understanding the Purpose God has for you and… 
  • How service is not a 4-letter word.  
  • Plus much more.

If you want to dig deeper, receive your Y•M•I Assessment results, and/or your Design Discovery Meeting (DDM) please consider our Premium Package.

If you already have purchased a 2-month license, and have your emailed coupon, then skip to the Enroll button below.

(Prices do not include taxes and fees)
If you want to purchase a 2-month license, and you do not already have a Digital WorkShop coupon (via email), then you will first need to go through the above purchasing procedure.  When you have the emailed coupon, then click the Enroll button below to apply your coupon and gain access to the Digital WorkShop.  The coupon will cover the cost of the standard enrollment fee.
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

What's included?




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