Lesson series

Spiritual WarFare 
Sriptures Guide

This downloadable document will be an invaluable tool as you prepare to take on Spiritual WarFare.  It is presented in an easy-to-use layout to aid in scripture memorization.  The promises of God found in scripture are organized into three categories. 

  1. Scriptures To Be Used Offensively (for WarFare).
  2. Scriptures To Be Used Defensively (during WarFare).
  3. Scriptures To Be Used In Recovery (after WarFare).

In addition, we begin to explore some of the tools of Spiritual WarFare. 

(This assessment is provided free of charge by our generous donors.  Simply type in the word FREE in the HAVE A COUPON Field.)

Use coupon code 'FREE' during the enrolling/registering process.

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