Assessments Login & Instructions

The Y•M•I Assessments are an invaluable tool to get the most out of our programs.  This combination of Christian developed psychometric and spiritual giftedness assessments are truly one of a kind.  In most cases the assessments are included in the Digital WorkShop packages.  If you need to purchase the assessments ala carte, you will find the option below.

(Price does not include taxes and fees)

Design Discovery Meeting (DDM) Login & Scheduling

This 2.5 to 3 hour Zoom coaching session will review, in thorough detail, all of your assessment results, known design conflicts, ministry focus, your Why, and culminates in producing your Purpose Statement. The Purpose Statement is one sentence that reveals what you were created to do.  The DDM also includes the required DDM Parsing assessments.

The DDM is included in our Premium Level Package.  The Premium Level Package is our most affordable option.  If you choose to purchase the DDM ala carte, you will find the option below.

(Price does not include taxes and fees)
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